The protesting pensioners in Peshawar


The protest by the pensioners of the University of Peshawar, University of Engineering and Technology, and Agriculture University on Monday has brought to the fore a grave injustice that has been festering for far too long. Despite dedicating decades of their lives to serving these esteemed institutions, these pensioners have been forced to take to the streets to demand their rightful pensions. The fact that this protest took place during Ramadan, a time of spiritual reflection and compassion, only serves to underscore the desperation and frustration that has driven these individuals to such extremes.

It is nothing short of shameful that the KP government and university administrations have allowed this situation to deteriorate to such an extent. The pensioners’ demands are not only legitimate but also a matter of basic human dignity. These individuals have toiled tirelessly to educate and shape the minds of future generations, and it is the least that they can expect in return to receive their hard-earned pensions in a timely and respectful manner.

The failure of the government and university administrations to address this issue is a stark reminder of the systemic failures that plague our society. It is a damning indictment of our priorities as a nation that we can find billions of rupees to lavish on big projects, but cannot seem to scrape together enough to pay the pensions of those who have served the nation with such dedication and distinction.

Therefore, it is high time for the provincial government and university administrations to take immediate and decisive action to address this crisis. The pensioners’ demands must be met in full, and a mechanism must be put in place to ensure that such a situation never arises again. This is not only a matter of justice, but also of basic human decency.

Apart from this, the relevant authorities and high-ups should conduct a thorough inquiry into the circumstances that led to this crisis, and to hold accountable those who have failed in their duty to serve these pensioners. The accountability is a must to resolve this issue once and for all.

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