Charity cheats: Many KP NGOs embezzling donor funds

ST Investigations

PESHAWAR: An investigation has uncovered a web of corruption and deceit perpetrated by numerous NGOs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, compromising the integrity of the humanitarian and development sectors.

Our probe reveals that these NGOs have mastered the art of embezzlement and exploiting donors’ trust. They invite journalists to their events and pay them a minimal transport allowance, yet claim exorbitant expenses from donors.

According to sources in the field, there is a staggering discrepancy between actual expenditures and the amounts claimed from donors. For instance, if an NGO spends PKR100,000 on a media event in a modest hotel, it will bill the donor for PKR1,000,000 by falsely claiming it was held at a five-star hotel.

“Similarly, a journalist who attends media events of such NGOs in KP, particularly Peshawar, receives only PKR1,000 to 2,000 per day as TA, yet the NGOs claim more than PKR10,000 from their donors, which is a highly unethical practice,” said an official of a local NGO on the condition of anonymity.

Experts in the humanitarian and development sectors state that such corruption has far-reaching consequences, undermining genuine humanitarian efforts and eroding public trust. They assert that NGOs should be held accountable by the relevant authorities, and donors should exercise caution in their donations to these organizations.

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