The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has a golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by establishing an invigilators pool comprising the unemployed educated youth of the province. This move would not only provide a ray of hope to deserving individuals but also alleviate the burden on government teachers who are overburdened with examination duties on top of their regular teaching responsibilities.
By recruiting educated youth as invigilators, the government can ensure the smooth conduct of examinations across the province without relying heavily on already overworked teachers. This would enable teachers to focus on their core responsibility of imparting knowledge, rather than being saddled with additional duties.
Moreover, this initiative would provide a sense of purpose and employment to educated youth who are struggling to find opportunities in the job market, so, it is a win-win situation for both the government and the youth.
Therefore, the KP government should take immediate action and establish an invigilators pool, providing a chance to deserving individuals to contribute to the education sector and easing the burden on teachers, as it is the right time to think out of the box and provide solutions to the long-standing issues plaguing our education system.
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