Now the presence of ghost engineers in various government infrastructure projects in Pakistan, particularly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is not an unknown fact. A large number of consultants are utilizing the CVs of engineers for securing projects but not providing jobs to them – which is a very unfair practice, causing the brain drain of engineers from the homeland.
There is high need for attention to this concerning issue that this act of certain consultants in the engineering sector is extremely wrong as they utilize the resumes of engineers to secure projects but don’t actively involve them in the projects in person. This practice not only contributes to unemployment crisis in the country but also compromises the quality of work.
The exploitation of engineers’ resumes for the sole purpose of securing the projects without providing them the opportunity to contribute their expertise is unfair and detrimental to both – the individuals involved and the overall integrity of the projects. By sidelining qualified engineers in favor of securing contracts, these consultants are perpetuating joblessness and depriving skilled professionals of meaningful employment opportunities.
Furthermore, the absence of experienced engineers is directly involved in leading the projects to a decline in the quality of work, and the projects which lack the input and oversight of qualified professionals are more susceptible to errors, delays, and ultimately, dissatisfaction among the stakeholders.
Therefore, the KP government and its concerned authorities should investigate this matter on priority basis and take appropriate action to address this unethical practice in the engineering consulting sector. The implementation of regulations that ensure the active involvement of engineers – whose resumes are used in the project proposals, will not only promote fairness and transparency but will also uphold the standard in infrastructure projects.
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