As the menace of quackery is spreading day by day in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, it is much important to note that a very shocking element in this regard is the wide usage of FM radio in the different areas, especially the villages of KP by quacks. In this context, almost 90 percent local radio channels just for a very tiny amount promote these fake doctors and do not verify or check the credibility, authenticity, and reliability of their advertisements but play role along with these so-called health professionals in creating the mess of quackery.
It is worth to mention that the lack of awareness, education, poverty, low income, and weak purchase power make the people an easy target of these predators (quacks) which sometimes even destroy and end the innocent human lives with their trial and error method of treatment. Similarly, quackery also leads to the cause of different health complications and the spread of multiple dangerous diseases like hepatitis and AIDS.
Therefore, it is a need of the time that the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should take this issue seriously and awake the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Care Commission from too much long hibernation as enough is enough and now it is the right time to address the challenge of unauthorized medical practice in the province, otherwise, this cancer will become huge and incurable in the near future.
Beside this, a strong and effective awareness campaign should be launched for the people from low educational background throughout the province not to avail the services of fake healthcare practitioners as it is not only a high risk to their own lives but also a great risk to the entire humanity.
Last but not the least, the provincial government and the concerned authorities may also consult the PEMRA in this regard to make accountable all such FM radio channels by stopping them from providing coverage and publicity to the menace of quackery through their platforms.
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