This fact cannot be denied that the people of India and Pakistan are in a very strong relationship, spanning over hundreds of years, while both the nations have a large number of similarities either they are cultural and social, or ancestral. It means that Indians and Pakistanis all are related to each other in some kind of mutual connection that makes them nearer and closer to each other.
Although, there have been multiple conflicts and issues between the two neighboring countries and both of them have gone through tough and hard times, resulting in a huge loss to the peace and prosperity of the region, that is why there is a high need for strengthening the bilateral relations between India and Pakistan just for the sake of the progress of the region.
It is much important to mention here that when you cannot replace or change your neighbors, so why not improve your relations with them? Therefore, both the countries should forget the unpleasant past and initiate working together for a better and prosperous Subcontinent.
In this regard, the governments and high-ups of both the states should come forward and join hands together to improve the mutual relations by making economic, social, and cultural ties more effective and sustainable. Similarly, strengthening people-to-people contact is also one of the best ways for a big development in this context.
As in the present times, both the nations are going through multiple challenges e.g. poverty, unemployment, inflation, and religious and ethnic extremism, that is why it is the need of the hour that the leaderships of both the countries should sit together and seriously think over this situation as how to improve the quality of life of common man in the region, because, without reconciliation and joining hands, the socio-economic problems of the Subcontinent cannot be resolved.
Apart from this, both the leaderships should also consider this matter in the perspective of the future and next generations as hatred, conflicts, and wars are now no more workable in the present developed and progressive world but economic and social strengths can lead both the nations towards betterment and sustainability.
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