The Vice Chancellor of Bacha Khan University Charsadda (BKUC) Prof Dr Bashir Ahmad’s 3-year tenure completed on December 10, 2023, however, the concerned authorities neither appointed a new vice chancellor, nor a pro-vice chancellor for the varsity to manage the day-to-day affairs of this prestigious institution, which is why now the BKUC is at the mercy of God only – facing huge administrative and financial issues.
It is a matter of big embarrassment for the provincial government and its high-ups that such a prestigious university of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is running without a vice chancellor – providing an opportunity to more and more problems at the institution to be occurred in the absence of a full-time and devoted management.
As per sources, particularly social media, a number of employees are also leveling allegations against the former vice chancellor for his poor performance regarding academics, administration, and finance. They are of the view that the former VC has degraded the institution up to great extent by appointing a large number of incompetent people without any need and bringing no such big projects for the institutional development as well as weakened the academics by incompetent faculty appointments and assigning additional charge of key administrative posts i.e. registrar, treasurer, and controller of examinations to faculty.
To know the reality and truth, it is better that the Governor’s Inspection Team come forward to investigate the poor administrative and financial situation at the BKUC with respect to the above allegations and if the former VC is guilty, he must be brought before the law, so that next time no one could do any such inappropriate and irresponsible actions.
However, for the time being, it is the best solution that the Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa appoint any of the three senior most deans of the university as pro-vice chancellor to take the charge as acting VC and control the aforementioned vulnerable situation, while the provincial higher education department should initiate the process of appointing a permanent vice chancellor for the varsity to put the institution on right track, otherwise the future of thousands of students would be completely deplorable.
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