Besides the irresponsible and much deplorable behavior of the administration of Peshawar Development Authority (PDA), now the lower staff i.e. tube well operators, sweepers, gardeners and other workers have also become white elephants as they are not doing their duties properly but just drawing salaries, making a huge loss to government exchequer.
There are thousands of employees at the PDA, however, majority of them are just busy in time passing and waiting for the 1st of every month to get salary, and as a result, the situation of Hayatabad like prime locality of the provincial capital has become worst and one can see this disastrous picture everywhere in the town either it is a road, a street, or, a park – everywhere is completely ruined.
There is no look after of the public parks, street lighting and sanitation, whereas the lower staff workers are only limited to taking care of the PDA offices, PDA road and houses of the government officers, leaving the residents at the mercy of God – who pay huge taxes every year.
It is much important to highlight that apart from other officials, the tube well operators are also not following their duty timings and do not run tube wells due to which every time the residents face water shortage at their homes. Similarly, the condition of drainage system is also very poor and it can be observed that sewerage water mostly comes out to streets in many sectors.
Apart from this, the PDA complaint office most of the time does not attend calls of the citizens, while their citizen complaint mechanism is extremely deplorable and old, and unable to serve the public efficiently in this modern age.
Therefore, it is high time for the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the authorities concerned to take immediate notice of this disastrous situation at Hayatabad and also take serious action against all those employees of the PDA who are not performing their duties seriously.
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