Being government servants, college and university teachers are not allowed to run and manage their any private business, but this rule has grossly been violated in Peshawar and other cities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In this regard, a good number of government lecturers and professors are running their private academies, schools and colleges, as well as other businesses which is an illegal practice and must be stopped immediately.
In Peshawar, the teachers of many leading government universities and colleges have established their private academies in the different areas of the city where they are looting FSc students in the name of preparation for entrance test of medical and engineering universities, while leaving the students of their government educational institutions at the mercy of God only.
Most of such teachers have setup or registered their private academies and colleges in the name of their spouses and children to protect themselves from the check of the concerned authorities, while many of them have become millionaires as their businesses are successfully running as the so-called clinics of quacks run in rural areas.
Therefore, it is need of the time that the provincial government and the managements of all government universities and colleges take strict action against this mafia in the uniform of teachers and bound them for teaching only to the students of their respective government educational institutions.
If the government feels any difficulty in identifying such teachers and controlling the situation, the case should be handed over to NAB and other relevant agencies to check the assets of these teachers and present them before law, who are now millionaires and use government job only for referring and diverting innocent students from government institutions to their private academies to earn more and more money – which is itself a monetary and educational corruption.
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