Zeeshan Wasim Pervez
In the business world, Nike is a brand that has stood the test of time since its inception. Starting Shoe Dog, by none other than the founder of Nike, Phil Knight, I found myself unable to put the book down. Shoe Dog is a memoir about the struggles and hardships of Phil Knight that he faced while working to create and establish Nike as a leading global brand.
Shoe Dog is a journey that is fast-paced and it will provide readers with a unique outlook that will change how they perceive this cultural and sporting brand. Phil Knight efficiently titled all the chapters of the book with years in which they are set. This is an intimate look into how a business called Blue Ribbon Sports transformed into one of the most demanded and well recognized brands in the world today.
In this publication, we learn that the author and founder of Nike, Phil Knight took a trip around the world with a friend. During this trip, he stayed in Hawaii and later travelled to adore the sights that Europe and Asia had to offer. Surprisingly, we learn that the author has a background in accounting and hence, he worked in this field in order to fund the start of his business. In order to focus extensively on his entrepreneurial endeavor, he taught at Portland State University where he also met his wife.
Shoe Dog boasts a colorful cast of characters, all of whom were among the pivotal figures involved in the creation of Nike. One of the most interesting characters is Johnson. He was the first salesman of Nike and he was a person who had high level of dedication. He was eager to achieve greatness and he displayed perseverance like none other. This was Johnson who suggested the name Nike. He said that a Greek winged goddess of victory came to him in a dream and her name was Nike. This makes the hip brand name seem even more enigmatic.
An American track and field coach named Bowerman became the co-founder of the business through a handshake agreement. For me, the selling point of Shoe Dog was the fact that the story has an innate human element to it. From the tough circumstances to the point where the business was about to go bankrupt, the shock when the founder begged for finances and the constant fear of becoming another failed entrepreneur, Phil Knight persisted through the worst.
Nike is one of those household brands over the world which people assume was successful right from the start. Phil Knight saw endless obstacles but by reading the book, we became aware that he remained focused on his vision. In the eyes of those who do not know anything about Phil Knight, he might be just another wealthy business owner. However, while reading Shoe Dog, I found out that he has had his share of tragedies as well. His son, Matthew lost his life in a scuba diving accident, which wrecked Phil Knight emotionally and mentally.
Shoe Dog is a story of the ultimate American dream. It is a story of a man who is made of passion, belief, perseverance, loyalty and love for his team and family. Shoe Dog is a brilliant publication that I recommend to everyone. This book is an exploration of the power of persistence in achieving dreams. Insightful, stirring and exciting; this is a story you will not forget quickly.
The writer is a digital marketer, entrepreneur, columnist, content writer, and a business administration graduate from the Institute of Management Sciences (IMSciences), Peshawar. He can be reached at: srkgothambat@gmail.com. He also shares insights on Twitter @ZeeshanWasim8.
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